Saturday, October 3, 2009

It Just Isn't Fair!

I have just visited two people where she has lost her second baby. The first time was a first trimester miscarriage, but this one was a stillborn baby at 32 weeks. As a couple they have lived good lives - their house payments are ahead, they both have good jobs, there is no "background," and they both come out of happy families. Why do such people struggle to have children, when there are so many kids who couldn't be bothered, who have children which are subsequently unable to deal with life through foetal alcohol syndrome, learning problems through drugs in utero, and who come into the world trying to make a go of it in an environment where they aren't particularly wanted. They are neglected but they grow like weeds?

Is there some sort of poetic beauty is such inconsistensies? Must we just say "that's life" and get on with it? Maybe a sort of fatalism is where it's at - "these things happen for a reason." None of the above are enough for me. Life is great and life is awful. Whatever, it is quite unpredictable. We need to be grateful for the good things, and there are many, but we also need to know that bad things happen too. How to make sense of it all, I don't know. Maybe weeds (of all species) have a lot to teach us!