Sunday, September 6, 2009

Screaming Quietly

So I am going to start this blog on a negative. Right, here goes:

Why do relgious people think God is their personal secretary? And then when their instructions to him (prayers) are not obeyed the way they think they should be, they head for this whole guilt trip thing about their lack of faith? Surely it is God who calls the shots.

Why are poor people so hard to help? You try to get them started on something that will get them out of the poverty pit, but all they do is go right back to where they were before. Do they want to be poor?

Why do some people think that if you marry a disaster, love will change it? Surely we have got over that piece of nonsense.

Why do calories stick around some people's guts with love and endurance, and others get rid of an indugent holiday in two trips to the gym?

On the other hand:

Why do people in my family still love me in spite of what they have to put up with from me?

Why do so many old people handle frailty, weakness and not being needed with such dignity?

How do those grannies who have aquired a new family in their old age manage to do so well with so little money?

How do some kids who come from truly rotten families manage to be such outstanding human beings?

Perhaps I should ask God.

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