Saturday, September 19, 2009


I hate committees. Whenever anything needs to be done, for goodness sake, let's get an interested person and his/her friends and point them in the direction, and let them get on with it. You put a proposal to a committee, they sit on it for at least a month, then it igets presented, most people say "no", and at best you get a "let's look at it," and you either get another committee or it gets left behind, along with all the other proposals for the last 30 years. Then when the walls fall down, it's a question of "Why didn't we do something about it?" Why indeed.

We are apparently in crisis now about global warming. We have 383 whatsits per million of CO2 in the atmosphere, and if we heat up just one more degree, we are in serious trouble. The scientists are freaking about it, but you suggest anything to do something about it, and "it's too expensive. We must be responsible about it you know." So we can save R20 now, and in 5 years time we will be paying 100 times that for our air to be purified. Why do we keep trying?

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